Thursday, June 9, 2011


Packing and getting ready to move has been an absolutely crazy and time consuming process. Basically, for the past several weeks Dr. Hubby (who is home all day since he's in between med school and residency) has worked really hard during the day to get the house organized and sell off our unwanted furniture. I've typically worked a full day then spent my evenings organizing and packing. We've made a huge effort to get rid of unecessary furniture and extra *stuff* that we've accumulated over the 3 years we've been in our apartment. Hopefully this will pay off when we move in to our place in Portland- but right now I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of things we still have. I'm kind of disgusted with myself for having so many boxes of clothes. We did a great job of getting rid of our excess furniture, but I think when you're nearing the end of a move it's pretty normal to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of random stuff that has to somehow get packed- it's neverending!
I think a lot of this angst is coming from the fact that we went out of town for a wedding this weekend and lost Monday because of flight delays- so we didn't end up having as much time as we hoped for. I'm also kind of bummed because I had to say goodbye to my dear friend Stephanie and my awesome running buddy Margee this week. This is tempered somewhat by the fact that I'm returning to Nola for a work trip in 2 weeks.
On the bright side, I'm looking forward to seeing my friend Meg and my brother-in-law Tyler and his girlfriend Kate on the way up to Maine. I'm also looking forward to cooler weather (it should be in the 60's when we get there on Sunday) and to finally seeing our awesome apartment! This move is a big adventure and I've always wanted to live somewhere other than the Deep South, so I'm definitely ready for this new and exciting period of my life to begin. I just wish I could fast forward through the physical move itself! It's going to be a loooong 3 days of driving!
And I haven't forgotten that I still need to write about Spain. I'll get to it, I promise!

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?