I've officially started training for a half marathon (aka 13.1 miles). And by officially, I mean I've made a training plan and put it in my google calendar. I am tentatively planning to run a half marathon on Dec. 20th, but if I don't feel ready, I'm going to wait and run the half marathon portion of the Mardi Gras Marathon in February.
This week was my official start to training, but it didn't feel real until I did my first long run (6 miles) this morning. I was planning to run 5 miles and maybe do 6 if I felt good- and it went really well. Of course, I got a nice break in the middle of my run b/c I had to wait for a train to go by so I could cross the railroad tracks and run up by the river, which may be where the energy to do 6 miles came from.
Right now, 13 miles feels incredibly daunting when I think about it, but I remember feeling the same way about 6 miles. Running 6 miles reminds me of how far I've come and gives me confidence that I can make it to 13! I am also really happy about having something to work towards b/c my workouts have been feeling a little mundane lately since I don't really have to train for the 5K races I've been running lately (I run further than that during my normal runs) and my Pilates teacher stopped teaching at the JCC. (Note to self, look into a new yoga place soon).
At any rate, I had a good run, then promptly went home, ate, showered, and took a nap. As a result, I feel pretty good (I usually have a problem with being wiped out for the rest of the day after a long run). Aside from that today, I have gotten frozen yogurt (1/2 cake batter and half cookies and cream with blackberries, crumbled oreos, and caramel sauce- sounds strange but tastes amazing) with my friend Sarah, and picked up some goodies to take to my friend Anne's house tonight and to Steph's house tomorrow. (I'm trying to stay out of my dear boyfriend's hair while he studies.) Right now I'm finishing up a bowl of cereal (I'm also looking forward to eating lots of food to fuel my runs!) and then heading to Anne's.
The picture, by the way, is of the cat looking crazy. :)
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