Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Determination and patience

I've literally eaten every last bit of my dark chocolate peanut butter. Now I have to decide whether to get more of the same, some almond butter, or both. Such difficult decisions. :)


  1. I can't believe I just got home from Earth Fare (like Whole Foods) and didn't think to buy the dark chocolate peanut butter! Should I go back?!?! Aughhh!!! I probably should hold out for the next trip because if I don't, my peanut butter container will look TONIGHT the way yours looks today. haha

  2. Go back! Go back!! :) I actually bought another jar after work today. The decision was made for me because I went to the store by my work and they don't have as diverse of a health food selection as the uptown grocery store b/c they are out in the 'burbs. So no almond butter anyway. I guess the demand isn't as high. Haha.
